the StoRM WebDAV metrics which are published by StoRM WebDAV endpoints are read from the endpoint (http://localhost:8085/status/metrics?pretty=true) every minute and injected in our monitoring system @INFN-T1 (after work described in https://issues.infn.it/jira/browse/STOR-1348).
We spotted a possible issue with mean values for TPC.pull/push.throughput (see histograms here: http://xfer-archive.cr.cnaf.infn.it:8085/status/metrics?pretty=true), namely the published mean value for throughput doesn't change from its last positive value for a time range of 20 minutes when no actual TPCs happen.
This is shown in the attached picture. To me, it doesn't seem a plotting artifact, given there are 20 stored mean values equal to 63.6 MB/s between 11:05 and 11:23.
Could you check how such mean values are computed, e.g. over which time range?
Thank you very much,