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  1. StoRM
  2. STOR-1563

Forbidden TPC push transfers on gclouds platform


      Google clouds' only supported HTTP transport is UrlFetchTransport, based on URL Fetch Java API in the Google App Engine SDK. StoRM WebDAV uses ApacheHttpTransport so it will definitely fail on Google App Engine.

      2022-08-25T07:57:04.534Z []   INFO 174581 --- [thread-pool-108] o.i.storm.webdav.tpc.TransferFilter      : Push third-party transfer completed: ERROR : Error pushing https://atlas-google-cloud.cern.ch:443/atlas-eu1/rucio/mc15_13TeV/21/6a/log.29765568._013982.job.log.tgz.1?GoogleAccessId=...: 403 status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden. Source: /atlas/atlasdatadisk/rucio/mc15_13TeV/21/6a/log.29765568._013982.job.log.tgz.1, Destination: https://atlas-google-cloud.cern.ch:443/atlas-eu1/rucio/mc15_13TeV/21/6a/log.29765568._013982.job.log.tgz.1?..., Bytes transferred: 0, Duration (msec): 117, Throughput: -/sec, id: 4fb52726-f467-49ec-97ab-b28612eaac20

      Sub tasks to-do:

      • Evaluate if TPC pull are allowed using current implementation with ApacheHttpTransport
      • Evaluate the use of Google Engine SDK in order to support TPC push transfers

            vianello Enrico Vianello
            vianello Enrico Vianello
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