Evaluate the support for a WebDAV endpoints load balancy strategy


    • Type: Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 1.11.21
    • Security Level: Public (Visbile by non-authn users.)
    • None

      From STOR-1525:

      Hi, we noticed that it is not possible to configure a load balancing strategy for WebDAV server pool within StoRM Backend (https://italiangrid.github.io/storm-puppet-module/puppet_classes/storm_3A_3Abackend.html). This can be done instead for the GridFTP server pool, and we have been using 'smart-rr' in production for the pool of gridftp servers (default value would be 'rr' instead) since years.
      Would it be possible to implement it for StoRM WebDAV pool as well?

      A related question concerns the way in which the pool members are defined (and then used) within StoRM Backend.
      Following Andrea's guidance we have set for storm-lhcb:

      gsiftp_pool_balance_strategy => 'smart-rr',
      gsiftp_pool_members => [ \{ 'hostname' => 'xs-101.cr.cnaf.infn.it', }, \{ 'hostname' => 'xs-102.cr.cnaf.infn.it', }, \{ 'hostname' => 'xs-103.cr.cnaf.infn.it', },],
      webdav_pool_members => [\{ 'hostname' => 'xfer-lhcb.cr.cnaf.infn.it', },]

      Hence: for defining the pool of gridftp servers we use the individual hosts, while for webdav_pool_members we use their alias (4 hosts are in xfer-lhcb.cr.cnaf.infn.it).
      Is such alias somehow _necessary _in the configuration for TPCs to work correctly, e.g. with storage-issued tokens? Or could we safely put individual hosts also in webdav_pool_members?
      And suppose we put individual hosts in webdav_pool_members, then 'rr' strategy would be used?

            Enrico Vianello
            Enrico Vianello
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