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  1. StoRM
  2. STOR-394

Changes on the yaim STORM_FRONTEND_PORT variable doesn't update Frontend's configuration file


      The yaim config for StoRM does not manage the storm.service.port variable in /etc/storm/backend-server/storm.properties. This variable is used to build sulrs against which incoming surl are compared.
      When configuring using yaim trying to put the frontend on a port different from 8443 (using the STORM_PORT or STORM_FRONTEND_PORT variables), the variable is not set, and all request fail with a surl validation error.

      The property is also missing in the storm.properties.template file, though it is documented.

        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

            vianello Enrico Vianello
            vventuri Valerio Venturi [X] (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
