[WMS-115] glite_wms_wmproxy_dirmanager uses a boost function not protected by clause boost::filesystem::native Created: 19/Jan/14  Updated: 12/Mar/14  Resolved: 11/Mar/14

Status: Resolved
Project: WMS
Component/s: None
Affects Version/s: 3.6.2 WMS Server, 3.6.3 WMS Server
Fix Version/s: 3.6.4 WMS Server
Security Level: Public (Visbile by non-authn users.)

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Alvise Dorigo Assignee: Alvise Dorigo
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified



Comment by Alvise Dorigo [ 12/Mar/14 ]

To reproduce the bug, submit 300/400 jobs to a WMS 3.6.3 (glite-wms-interface 3.6.2-1) with LogLevel set to 6 (maximum). Redirect the submission log to a file. At the end search the log for

Warning - Unable to submit the job to the service: https://cream-14.pd.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server
Unable to create symbolic link to renewal proxy
Unable to find any endpoint where to perform service request

and in the wmproxy.log look for something like:

[root@cream-14 wms]# grep -B25 "-C-" wmproxy.log
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::regist JOB": Endpoint: https://cream-14.pd.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::regist JOB": Registering Proxy renewal...
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "WMPEventLogger::registerProxyRenewal": Proxy path: /var/proxycache/%2FC%3DIT%2FO%3DINFN%2FOU%3DPersonal%20Certificate%2FL%3DPadova%2FCN%3DAlvise%20Dorigo/grBzFdvoJc2KtbawKj-BQg/userproxy.pem
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "WMPEventLogger::registerProxyRenewal": My Proxy Server: cream-44.pd.infn.it
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::setJobFileSystem": User Id: 14008
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::setJobFileSystem": Creating job directories for job:
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::managedir": Job id vector size: 1
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Forking process...
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Parent PID wait: 11595 waiting for: 12049
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Parent PID after wait: 11595 waiting for: 12049
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": WIFSIGNALED(status)
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": WEXITSTATUS(status): 6
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Child failure, exit code: 6
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Child failure, exit code: 6
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Forking process...
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Parent PID wait: 11595 waiting for: 12050
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Parent PID after wait: 11595 waiting for: 12050
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": WIFSIGNALED(status)
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": WEXITSTATUS(status): 6
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Child failure, exit code: 6
12 Mar, 09:19:42 S PID: 11595 - "wmputils::doExecv": Child failure, exit code: 6
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmputils::managedir": Directory creation elapsed time: 0
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::setJobFileSystem": Job delegated proxy: /var/SandboxDir/-A/https_3a_2f_2fprod-wms-01.pd.infn.it_3a9000_2f-AVyQmTDP0JEAah-7xg1qA/user.proxy
12 Mar, 09:19:42 D PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::setJobFileSystem": Creating a symbolic link to renewal Proxy temporary file...
12 Mar, 09:19:42 C PID: 11595 - "wmpcoreoperations::setJobFileSystem": Unable to create symbolic link to renewal proxy:

You see that the job starting with dash char ("-") created a fault.

After upgrade to fixed version of glite-wms-interface this error will disappear and you will find correct submission of jobs whose ID starts with "-".

Generated at Thu Apr 25 19:16:05 CEST 2024 using Jira 9.12.5#9120005-sha1:fa8821cdb090f6b5ec0424ddb13fa19bc92d8429.